lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2020



(Translated from Spanish into English by Inés Rosan).

Yes, I’m sorry… I am sorry for the classical liberals who think otherwise, and I am not sorry for my alleged ‘good reputation’, that can be thrown overboard right now. The one thing I would indeed regret would be not to have spoken out in these hard times as my conscience dictated.

Do I need to clarify the obvious once again? Apparently I do. Trump is not exactly my ideal. He is NOT a classical liberal? Of course he is not. If the election were between him and Ron Paul, of course, the adequate choice would be the latter. But we don’t live in that world. We are living in a terrible historical circumstance the dire gravity of which is difficult to grasp for many such liberals reading these lines.

It’s been many years since a terrible decline of its foundational ideals began in the United States. No, I´m not referring to the endless debates between federalists and anti-federalists. I’m alluding to documents -with all its imperfections, as are all doings in human history- such as the Constitution of 1787, the Bill of Rights of 1789, and the Declaration of Independence of 1776, which were all true expressions of classical liberalism. Those are the ideals to which I’m referring.

Of course, as time passed, the U.S. started deviating from those inaugural ideals, BUT one could note a turning point, at least in the duality between democrats and republicans. It could be said that from the Kennedys to Al Gore the debate was Rawls vs. Nozick, which is to say active redistribution policies vs. expense restriction policies. J. Rawls, whom many classical liberals hate, regarded those foundational documents as the constitutional essentials which had to be adhered to by all. Today I’d vote for J. Rawls against Trump without a second thought.

Long before the Kennedys, two western ideas –two pathologies of the West (as the forgotten García Venturini called them)-started spreading throughout the Western world and particularly in the U.S.: I mean that incoherent but effective combination between neo-Marxism and postmodernism.

Neo-Marxism is a mutation of Marxism. It had two stages: the first one, essentially economic, with the Cepal´s Dependency Theory, regrettably accepted by the Catholics who supported G. Gutiérrez’ Theology of Liberation (1968); and the second one, more destructive, in which the postulate is that there are new exploited collectives and the new exploiter is the entire hetero-patriarchal system. The exploiters are the white pro-market westerners while the exploited are women, African-Americans,  indigenous peoples, and homosexuals, lesbians and transexuals.

It will never be clarified enough how this way of thinking undermines in its very essence the foundational American political pact. There no longer is an all-encompassing collective of people (“All men…”) who are the subjects of rights, but exploited collectives who coherently deny the exploiter its “alleged” Bill of Rights. In that case we cannot speak anymore of a society where all human beings (homo and heterosexuals, black and white) have inherent rights, regardless of their skin color, etc. (as flawlessly concluded by the classical liberal, Dr. Martin Luther King, in his famous speech) but a society built on class struggle. That automatically breaks the very essence of the United States of America.

Added to that is Postmodernism, according to which there’s nothing good or true in any culture. Therefore, that Western world in which the idea of individual freedoms emerges is not morally superior in any way. The combination of both amounts to a cultural atomic bomb for the West.  On the one hand, the ideals of classical liberalism are attacked by neo-Marxism, as a hetero-patriarchal exploitative system. On the other, when the West tries to defend itself it can’t do so because in it, there is nothing morally good except, of course (and therein lies the effective incoherence), Marxism.

All of this has been taught to exhaustion at U.S. Colleges since before the 60s, and not only has it been passed on to several generations of culturally illiterate, who lack any critical thinking, but the ones who thought or think differently have been persecuted and attacked in countless  and cruel ways, as has been soundly shown by Axel Kaiser in his last book[1], causing a spiral of silence among those who secretly know that all this is worse than Hitler’s tanks. Because at least (I’ll say it even if a friend cautioned me for over two hours against it) the ONE advantage we had with Hitler was that he seemed Hitler.

The results of all this transcend the already disastrous economic policies proposed by the left wing of the Democratic Party. Americans have been too naive in believing  that the Communist party was not growing in their country, the same way Argentinians believe that communism has not grown in Argentina “because Peronism is here”. The pure and simple truth is that the left-wing of the Democratic Party is today, in the U.S., the most efficient Communist party in the history of the fight for freedom. Because those Marxist and postmodern ideals that had not reached the Kennedys, now have reached the Democratic Party and permeate it more and more, with their most paradigmatic representatives being Joe Biden and –especially- Kamala Harris, who would be the actual new president of the U.S., should puppet Biden win the election (Ring any bells, Argentinians?).

The “program for government” of this singular Communist party in disguise could not be more coherent with the most cherished ideals of destruction[2] of revolutionary Communism.

1)      Destruction of what’s left of religious freedom, freedom of teaching and speech, with federal laws that expand even more the criteria for alleging hate crimes and discrimination, considering them to be perpetrated by anyone who dares act and think differently from what the LGBT -through Z- lobby dictates.


2)      Destruction of what’s left of religious freedom, etc. through the imposition -forced on everyone by the federal government-  of “reproductive health” policies, like “comprehensive sex education” and abortion by the federal government, without the possibility of any appeal to freedom of conscience.


3)      Destruction of the economy by the funding on a federal level of anti-market environmental policies, which include even the insanities proposed by AOC, on a federal level.


4)      Encouragement by the federal government of all kinds of attacks on life and property (looting, etc.), carried out by groups such as Antifa and –only- Black Lives Matter, presented as angelical “peaceful protesters”. Judicial persecution of those who exercise legitimate defense.


5)      Elimination of the Second Amendment. Because the wrong would be citizens carrying weapons, not criminals and governments doing so.


6)      Destruction of the remains of civil liberties by imposing –on a federal level- all dictatorial mandatory confinements, cold-heartedly and cruelly carried out by democratic governors and mayors.


7)      Elimination of all freedom of speech for those who think ‘differently’ -through fact-checkers”, accusations of reporting “fake news”- and the criminalization of it (being a “denialist”). Totalitarian use of Covid-19. Monopoly of social communications by the Deep State in collusion with Facebook and Google.


8)      Judicial persecution and killing of everyone who dares denounce the crimes of the Deep State.


9)      Expansion of the Supreme Court and the consequent destruction of an Independent Judicial Branch, by turning the Judiciary into one more extension of the Democratic party.


10)   Increasing –even more- foreign debt, fiscal deficit, tax burden, and inflation as a means of funding all the policies of the federal government, which would cause an accelerated escalation in the devaluation of the U.S. currency.



Believe me when I say I’m putting it very mildly.

And more good news: best case scenario –that is, Trump winning- the situation will be such that the Republican party will no longer be a party but a “resistance” against the New Communist Party taking overpower, and the total destruction of the United States. The question is: how long could they resist?  How much longer will some be able to offer resistance?

How to stop the ‘cultural tsunami’ that was the origin of all this?

Where to flee if the worst should happen?


World War II was awful, but at least it was clear who the enemy was and what hopes remained should defeat be the outcome. However, there was no defeat: stopping Patton from getting to Moscow was the worst mistake, the most tragic error of the U.S. Government at the time.

But what we meant was that at least Hitler seemed Hitler and his defeat was hope.

Now the enemy is camouflaged, people don’t see it and vote for it.

Trump winning, people, is barely winning some time.

Be well aware of what’s at stake in this –never more appropriately called- ‘election’.

[1]Axel Kaiser, The neo-Inquisition: persecution, censorship, and cultural decadence in the 21st century. Mercury Editions,  2020.

[2]On that subject, see Socialism, by Mises, 1922

1 comentario:

Horacio Villanueva dijo...

Gracias por la claridad en la exposición de tu fundada pre-ocupación por los problemas que el ciudadano común no está observando -me incluyo entre ellos-.
Tu exposición explica, también, el crecimiento alarmante de la izquierda radical en la Argentina que en las últimas elecciones del 2019 logró superar al voto tanto de derecha como conservador con total holgura (Del Caño y el ala radical de la izquierda, sacaron más votos que Espert y Gómez Centurión, juntos. si mal no recuerdo)
Nuevamente gracias por la advertencia y a trabajar con los alumnos y los allegados en esto que muy pocos están advirtiendo, el famoso, "Vamos por Todo" que significa sencilla y claramente que vienen por la República, la Constitución, las instituciones tradicionales, las instituciones religiosas y todo aquello que desde la política no puedan "controlar" [al estilo Orwelliano de La Rebelión en la Granja]